Learning Management System

In Yoo Multimedia we strongly believe in the importance of education and training: thus we committ ourselves in developing Learning Managemnt Systems. These LMS platforms are open source softwares with the objective to deliver, manage and create online training programs suitable even for corporate needs. Yoo Multimedia supports companies in creating and founding their platforms, undertaking at the same time the development of its own LMS platfrom.

Platforms implementation

LMS platforms are useful tools for school/university learning also fitting corporate contexts. Yoo Multimedia is a qualified company able to implement such platforms; our goal is to develop user friendly, intresting and effective products, having the capacity to grant training improvement of its users. 

Digitisation, updating and content review

Contents on the LMS platforms shall be compliant to the platform itself but most of the times this aspect is overlooked. As a result, contents are hard to consult and not intresting at all thus discouraging the user and hinderinf his learning. Yoo Multimedia is qualified in contents’ digitizing and graphic editing with the objective of letting them be easily available and perfectly integrated to the platform. In addition to digitisation, Yoo Multimedia oversees contents’ updating and review, processing them periodically .


Yoo Multimedia is a company offering a wide range of services in the field of information technology. Among others there is the Yoo University learning platform, designed to deliver practical and enhanced training on a wide range of IT topics. Yoo Multimedia’s platform is accessible online from anywhere at anytime, allowing students to learn from home. It offers several courses, from beginners to the most advanced levels for professionals.

Yoo Multimedia S.r.l. Contrada Spana, SNC 97018 Scicli (RG)
Capitale Sociale 50.000€, Partita Iva: IT01792310888

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