
Multimedia Productions

Multimedia productions refer to all contents combining several communication means, such as text, immages, audio and video, to convey information or tell a story. Multimedia productions are the more and more widespread in our digital society, as they allow the presentation of information in an innovative and intresting way able to reach a wide and varied public. Multimedia productions can be used in many contexts, among which entertainment, education, advertising, corporate communication and professional training.

Web development

Web development refers to the creation and maintenance of websites and web applications. The process comprehends the design, code editing, server configuration, data management and content distribution through the web.
Web development is a continuosly developing activity, since programming languages, frameworks and developing technlogies constantly change. Among the main required skills are the knowledge of  HTML, CSS e JavaScript, in addition to the knowledge of at least one programming language such as PHP, Python o Ruby.

Customer Service

Customer service combines the activities and strategies a company implements to satisfy customers’ needs. It is important because it aims at keeping client satisfation high, together with its fidelity and corporate reputation.

Business Accounting

Business accounting is a fundemental activity for all entreprises, regarding the record, categorize and analyse all financial transactions. Business acoounting is of great importance since it allows monitoring the financial situation, taking decisions based on precise data and complying with fiscal and legal obligations.


Research and Development department, or R&D, is the area where companies study, develop and implement new technologies, products and processes. The R&D department is important because it helps the entreprise mantain competitiveness, innovating and diversifying its activities.

Yoo Multimedia S.r.l. Contrada Spana, SNC 97018 Scicli (RG)
Capitale Sociale 50.000€, Partita Iva: IT01792310888

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