Web, SEO and Digital Marketing

Last 10 years, Yoo Multimedia gained a wide experience on all products and services related to the Web scope, nowadays used by the most modern companies. Our company is qualified in the development and supply of a large family of services representing the fundamental instrument to profit from the circumstances deriving form the web: a constantly growing virtual market generating profits and important opportunities for all those who can manage to work in it. The Web is a world full of opportunities but at the same time of pitfalls where it can be hard to navigate in a jungle of solutions.

Our approach is to propose open source solutions, with a unique quality/price ratio: they offer reliability and high flexibility, thanks to the contribution of thousands of web developers who support community projects and place on the market turnkey solutions, finally reducing development costs.

Corporate web sites and E-commerce stores

The web projects we develop are based on fully open source platforms such as: WordPress, Joomla and Drupal for institutional websites; Magento and WooCommerce for online selling or for digital catalogues. These open source platforms are nowadays broadly used by big and small brands because of the self-evident advantages they offer: quality, reliability, flexibility and cost containment thanks to a wide choice of ready to use plug-in extensions.

Customized applications for internal purpose

One of the main advantages of the open source technology is the possibility to customize projects and platforms according to clients needs. Generally, the customization of a propietary software and applications is a quite complicated task entailing high development costs, often limited by and tied to the owner. Thanks to open source technology, we are able to develop – efficiently and economically – custom tailored applications, choosing among thousands of plug-in and turnkey extensions which can be tested and evaluated before their purchase. The same extensions can be modified to further match clients needs.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

Having gained ten-years long experience we can definitely state that one of the less considered tasks when realizing a website is search engine optimization process. SEO optimization is of fundamental importance for any company willing to acquire new customers or selling products on-line, as it improves its visibility whenever potential buyers search for it. SEO Optimization is more a counsulting service than a product per se, for the reason that it collects technical and semantic protocols favoring the website positioning on the first pages of search engines such as Google. YOO Multimedia has a wide and long experience in SEO, having worked with all Google algorithm, normally released each 2/3 years.


Any project or web service aspiring to reliability must be hosted in a datacenter able to offer solid structures, specific technologies and dedicated connection. In general terms, a data center (or hosting provider) offers services such as: domain registration, shared or dedicated hosting, VPS, dedicated servers, cloud resources, CDNs, dedicated IPs, SSL certificates, remote backup systems, IT security tools and advanced firewalls.

Web hosting is then the service allowing wbsites to be published on Internet. It consists in renting a space on a server (which is to say a computer always connected to Internet) where files and websites are registered, from HTML pages, to images, videos, script files and database.

As a matter of fact, this hosting domain is almost uncomprehensible to people who miss these skills: the main risk thus becomes that of underestimating resources or by contrast to overestimate them, by choosing technologies not suitable for the project. YOO Multimedia offers consulting to its clients both in activating and direct management of these services, suggesting the most adequate solutions.

Yoo Multimedia S.r.l. Contrada Spana, SNC 97018 Scicli (RG)
Capitale Sociale 50.000€, Partita Iva: IT01792310888

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