Any project or web service aspiring to reliability must be hosted in a datacenter able to offer solid structures, specific technologies and dedicated connection. In general terms, a data center (or hosting provider) offers services such as: domain registration, shared or dedicated hosting, VPS, dedicated servers, cloud resources, CDNs, dedicated IPs, SSL certificates, remote backup systems, IT security tools and advanced firewalls.
Web hosting is then the service allowing wbsites to be published on Internet. It consists in renting a space on a server (which is to say a computer always connected to Internet) where files and websites are registered, from HTML pages, to images, videos, script files and database.
As a matter of fact, this hosting domain is almost uncomprehensible to people who miss these skills: the main risk thus becomes that of underestimating resources or by contrast to overestimate them, by choosing technologies not suitable for the project. YOO Multimedia offers consulting to its clients both in activating and direct management of these services, suggesting the most adequate solutions.