Logistics & Events in presence

Corporate events represent an important opportunity for companies to meet their customers, to present new products and services, to promote their image and to consolidate the relationship with their employees. Organizing a well-structured and engaging corporate event, therefore, can have a significant impact on both customers and internal employees of the company.

Yoo Multimedia specializes in organizing and supporting corporate events of all kinds: from conferences to meetings, from product presentations to the launch of new initiatives. Our goal is to optimize time and costs in event management, taking care of all the aspects that this entails: from planning to logistics, from the choice of location to the definition of the graphic event identity, up to the creation of multimedia contents, to organization of team building for the participants and the technical and directorial management of the event.

Our services

Analysis, Planning and Events Estimate

The Event Analysis, Planning and Estimate service is an important resource for those wishing to organize successful events as it offers a wide range of advantages, including location identification and evaluation, cost estimation, logistics planning and setting realistic goals.

Multimedia Economic Estimates

Thanks to the use of advanced multimedia tools, we are able to simulate all aspects of an event to provide a complete and detailed estimate. This economic analysis is an important resource for those who want to organize successful events without going over budget due to unexpected costs or unwanted surprises.

Scouting and Procurement Support

The procurement process, i.e. the acquisition of goods and services necessary for the event, can be very complex and require a significant amount of time and resources. The Scouting service can help identify reliable suppliers and negotiate the best prices for the services you need. In this way, the Scouting and Procurement Support service can help guarantee the success of the event, simplifying the process of acquiring the necessary services and optimizing the use of available resources.

Multimedia Projects

The development of multimedia projects can be a key element in creating a memorable and effective event capable of making the contents of a meeting more captivating while adding a touch of magic to the overall experience.

Video Mapping Projects

The development of video mapping projects is a plus that allows you to make an event unforgettable. Through video mapping it is possible to transform architectural surfaces into giant screens to project images and animations that integrate perfectly with the surrounding environment. The elaboration of a video mapping project requires careful planning and a detailed analysis of the characteristics of the building or of the space where the video will be projected, in order to obtain a spectacular visual effect capable of striking the viewers.

Travel agency & Events logistics management

The logistics of an event is a very complex aspect that must be entrusted to expert professionals. Yoo Multimedia selects only Travel Agencies specialized in Business Travel and undertakes to mediate between the latter and the customer in order to ensure that the processes related to the logistical part of an event are respected by evaluating all specific needs.

Interpreting services

International events imply the presence of participants from several countries of the world: often, therefore, the support of professional interpreters is necessary to ensure the communication during the event. Yoo Multimedia cooperates with a vast network of interpreting agencies, giving its customers the possibility to choose the services and languages ​​that suit them.

Team Building & Leisure Time Activities

In order not to risk that corporate events are reduced to just a series of business meetings, it is important to plan moments of leisure and entertainment among the participants. Yoo Multimedia takes care of the organization of Team building and recreational activities such as tourist tours, naturalistic and cultural excursions or guided visits to the main attractions that the location of the event offers.

Yoo Multimedia S.r.l. Contrada Spana, SNC 97018 Scicli (RG)
Capitale Sociale 50.000€, Partita Iva: IT01792310888

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