Virtual & Hybrid events

The pandemics period made us gain expertise in organizing and managing virtual events: a precious opportunity for all companies and professionals willing to reach a wide audience by containing the costs. Indeed, virtual events offer many advantages compared to events in person, among which the possibility to reach a global audience, reduce travel and organizing costs, offer more flexibility to participants. Moreover, this kind of events results in a high replicability rate, thus bringing cost reduction and time maximization, allowing our team to “launch” a virtual events in extremely fast time.

Yoo Multimedia covers all aspects a virtual event implies: planning, organizing, the creation of interactive and intresting contents, technical broadcasting and much more. The result? Captivating virtual events in record time and at low cost!

Yoo Multimedia S.r.l. Contrada Spana, SNC 97018 Scicli (RG)
Capitale Sociale 50.000€, Partita Iva: IT01792310888

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